Just a fox and Croissant wandered past the wildlife camera so far this week.
Grldchz @ 2022-11-20 05:48:01Ready for the turkey trot 5k.
Grldchz @ 2022-11-19 09:58:03Wildlife camera update. So there is not one but two plump skunks. I don't know what is going on here between these two. Maybe they're in love? Maybe the one on the right is Pepe Le Pew.
Grldchz @ 2022-11-13 10:57:56Foxy the fox sauntered past the the wildlife camera last night. Plumpy the skunk waddled past.🤣
Grldchz @ 2022-11-12 11:10:50Nothing much on the wildlife camera these days. But here's a couple funny videos of Croissant stalking and attacking me.
Grldchz @ 2022-11-10 07:54:31Well, we had some excitement last night. Lots of deer activity. The two young bucks, Domino and Duke I believe, spared for a couple minutes right in front of my wildlife camera.
Grldchz @ 2022-11-03 18:43:02Wildlife camera captured a very plump skunk, Domino the young buck and Checkers, his deer doe mate.
Grldchz @ 2022-11-01 07:44:10I think Domino has fleas. He stood there and scratched himself for probably two minutes.
Grldchz @ 2022-10-26 16:32:13A coyote paid the wildlife camera a visit the other night.
Grldchz @ 2022-10-18 13:41:37The last two nights it was Hershey the Doe joined by Dwayne the buck on the Wildlife Camera. The second night it was just Dwayne.
Grldchz @ 2022-10-16 07:20:49